Also see Tere's coverage of Speedfest and and
That is a happy expression!
The owner of the car I presume is on the right, I immediatly nicknamed him fruity dude
on the pre race grid
Above, friendly hello... below, 3 minutes acknowledgement
JR, amatuer model in his wayfarers... I wish I could pull off that casual cool look. Bravo!

Between races the sponsor companies get their latest and most impressive cars on the track and give rides to important people... I don't know how to get in that list...... yet

That passenger is enjoying the Mini cornering ability and still pops up a thumb up to the photographers
Local television crew in a spot using the track as the backdrop

If you display a ratfink, I will post your photo
Yep, in front of the grandstands and getting an ovation!

After the race shots... above: J Bittle,
Below, the Edelbrocks, Vic and either Camee or Christi
Also see Tere's coverage of Speedfest and and
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