This "Instruction Book" is the one that was given to the first owner, and it amazes me that after 75 years it's still with the car. 75 years is far more than enough time for all sorts of unfortunate things to occur to paper booklets.

Rubber fan blades for added safety

Amazing surviving souvenier of a trip through Milwaukee

I'd like to know how much better the air feels rushing in through the front windows, than through floor vents. Without air conditioning it would still feel like a blast furnace it it were hotter than 90 F outside, but in the 60's or 70 degrees range it would feel great I believe

An amazing interior through-out. Machine turned gauge panel, white background gauges, a "Hades" heater... must be hot as hell! and look at the controls for the radio, I've never seen the type before, and just love them for their uniqueness

Several setting for both sides. City, country, music, voice... I forgot the others

The radio and speaker are both in this housing

The hot water heater takes advantage of the 180 degree Fahrenheit coolant that
circulates through the engine block’s water jacket and radiator. Some of this coolant is diverted into the heater which consists of a core (which is the same as the radiator only smaller) and an electric fan to move air through the core then into the car’s interior.
Benefits with the hot water heater are the air inside the car’s interior is continuously
re-circulated and warmed further and further also, the amount of heat can be regulated by the heater switch which consists of a rheostat that gives you control to regulate the speed of the fan motor.

There are many different after market makes and models of hot water heaters that were made during the 1920 and 30’s such as the “Hadees”, “Sahara” and the “Tropic Air” Chevrolet for example provided there own OEM hot water heater in the late 1920’s and 1930’s as an approved accessory.
http://www.vtmodelaford.org/manmayjune2006.pdf page 3 and 4
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