Thursday, July 29, 2010

Racing in Lima Peru, late 60's early 70's

2 of the 5 Shelby G.T350 R imported to Lima, Perú in the mid 60`s for racing purposes. 1 got totalled, 3 were sold to private collectors in the US and the last one is still missing.

From here and there

via how they made this leave the ground is unknown. via: Duesenburg from Larry Watson's Grapevine from Porsche coffee plantation tractor from from

Beautiful Audrey Hepburn riding a bike


cool Mopar advertising from

for more cool photos, mostly vehicular but lots of models too:

Smoke 'em if you got 'em


Best motorcycle seat ever?


1937 Ford house car

when discovered in a garage (under a heavy cover) in Northern Minnesota in August 2001, she had only 19,000 miles, and the owner’s manual was actually still in the glove box in like-new condition!
She had always been garaged and treated with ‘Much TLC’ as a collector vehicle.
The interior, all wood lined, was still the way it appeared in the ’30′s and ’40′s, complete with framed photos of the original owner on his travels (mainly to Florida) and his cabin in the North Woods, plus and other memorabilia from the era.
Built on the ’37 Ford Pickup frame and cowling (powered by a 60-hp flathead V8 with aluminum heads), the rear framing is all wood, with the metal skin wrapped around it. The roof structure, too, is all wood, over which the heavy, waterproofed canvas top is still very securely fitted. The structure of the Body is solid, appearing from underneath to be all oak, and still in a remarkably unaltered, undamaged condition. The door frames are thick, solid oak, and oak is visible around the window openings (as on the four side windows in back) — though it is painted over.
She was a big hit at this campground once we got that Great old flattie V8 hummin’! Note her expanding roof and the original dark green color, which had been repainted. I figure the canvas roof was originally painted in reflective silver to keep it from getting too hot inside. All four side windows open, while the back one tilts out to three positions. The windshield also tilts open at the bottom for natural AC while driving.
Here are a few shots of her in August 2001, out on the road in the Chippewa National Forest north of Grand Rapids via:

1914 Detroit Electric car


Popular Mechanics top 10 movie car chase scenes numbers 8 and 6 are terrific!

I knew that the chase scene from the Punisher wouldn't make the top ten, here's why:

vintage honeymoon studio shot


JBA has moved, and is having a grand opening / 25th Anniversary and Power Cruise in 3 days, on Sunday Aug 1st

Sunday August 1st, 10 am to 3 pm. Come to our 25th Anniversary Power Festival and Cruise. See race cars, domestic performance cars, classics and hot rods.
- Tour Our Expanded 15,000 sq.ft. Facility
- Dyno Demonstrations
- Vendor Gallery & Tech Seminars
- Cruise & Power Festival
Join the fun and celebrate with us at our new location
5675 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, CA 92123
Music will be provided by Don Swanson and the Retro Rockets. For more information, contact us at (858) 495-3395 (additional parking located at Kearny Villa Ct. and at True Line across the street.)

He was the oldest living owner of a car from new, and drove his Rolls Royce for 77 years

Mr. Allen Swift ( Springfield , MA.) received this 1928 Rolls-Royce Picadilly P1 Roadster from his father, brand new - as a graduation gift in 1928.

He drove it up until his death last year the age of 102 (in the year 2005)

He donated it to a Springfield museum after his death.

It has 170,000 miles on it.

Swift, who died in October 2005 at the age of 102, was a legend among Rolls-Royce collectors for owning his green Phantom I, S273 FP Rolls longer than anyone in the world had ever owned an individual Rolls-Royce. In recognition of that fact, Rolls-Royce Motors presented him with a crystal Spirit of Ecstasy award at the Rolls-Royce Annual Meeting in 1994.

Swift and the Springfield Museums were brought together through a network of antique automobile collectors. In 2002, when he was 99 years old, he approached the Museums to discuss finding a new home for his Rolls-Royce. Confident in the Springfield Museums' ability to care for the automobile and to tell the story of Rolls-Royce manufacturing in Springfield, Swift indicated that he would donate his car if a building could be found to house it.

In the summer of 2005, the Springfield Museums became aware that the Verizon building, adjacent to the Museums, was available for purchase. Joseph Carvalho, president of the Springfield Museums, and Guy McLain, director of the Connecticut Valley Historical Museum, shared that information with Swift and described how the building could be converted into a museum. In September, Swift's attorney informed the Museums that Swift would donate the money to purchase the building.

The Springfield Museums will take possession of the building in June and will launch a fund-raising campaign to renovate it. When complete, the new Museum of Springfield History will display wide range of remarkable artifacts that tell the rich and multidimensional history of this city.

My thanks and appreciation to James R for sending me this email!

Jim was 86 when I met him and he still had his 23 Ford from high school, but he'll have to live another 20 years or so to equal this story

restored tourist attraction steam locomotive was heavily damaged by derailing and falling on it's side because thieves removed the railroad ties

The locomotive – which dedicated volunteers spent many years restoring to working order – was substantially damaged.

The railroad ties are wood planks about 8 inches tall by 12 inches wide and “tie” the rails to the trackbed. Without sleepers, the rails would spread and topple under the weight of a train – which is what happened (interesting to me for the breadth of information about the variety of railroad ties: and for an intriguing photo and information about railroad ties being baked in creosote )

The stolen ties were made from hard Australian yarra wood, and are highly prized for making furniture – and sometimes for firewood – and in recent years, railway lines all over South Africa have been targeted by sleeper thieves. Some lines have lost so many sleepers that they have been closed since the cost of replacement has been deemed uneconomic.

Yesterday’s derailment happened on a line that sees many tourist trains during the year. The thieves don’t really care about the consequences, either for innocent passengers or for tourism as a whole. The cost of repairing the locomotive will be a heavy burden for the club which receives no funding other than what it earns from running tourist trains. The cost of repairing the damaged track will run into many thousands of rand – and Transnet is not keen to spend money looking after lines that are not part of its core network.
via which is NSFW (not safe for work)

A movie was made in 1953 about the London to Brighton historic race, Genevieve

from which is NSFW (not safe for work) for dissapointingly little info on the movie:

Did you know that the last 50 Yenko Duece's made were built by Hurst under direction of Don Yenko?

photo via:,8953/1970-Chevrolet-Nova_photo.aspx

50 were made by Hurst,
.... 10 were made in Hugger Orange: but only one was delivered with Hurst 5 spokes, only one was made with white hockey stripes
.... 10 were made in Sunflower Yellow
.... 10 were made in Citrus Green
These colors were called Springtime Colors
...the remaining 20 were a mix of Cranberry Red and Fathom Blue

Linda Vaughn was in Hurst's parking lot after they were made, she was "practicing" on them, and doing burnouts... Muscle Car Review August 2010 issue, pages 74 to 78

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cool photos from Mostuff Sthlm... the totally Mopar website

These are just a couple of the cool Mopar photos from the Flikr pool of Anders at but if you love mopars, look at his website also, especially if you want scat pack stuff

Monday, July 26, 2010

the choice selections from voiture-jaune.tumblr so far, James Dean scene from Hud, and Steve McQueen on the set of Great Escape before the bike jump

These two images are enduring.

I've read but can't recall the story with Dean Jefferies and the woman... maybe it was her car? Anyway, cool artists paint box, I've photographed all the pinstripers paint boxes that I've come across so far, and it's very interesting to me to see how each puts their name / logo on them with a bit of lettering and pinstripping

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hot rod Isetta! This the first I've heard or seen one


the color options for 1970 Dodge cars


1974 Baldwin Motion Phase III Camaro owned by an Iranian lawyer in Tehran, like a fish out of water

read all about it:

or from an article in the New York Times:

It was a ride in a neighbor’s 1969 Shelby GT-500 that hooked him on muscle cars — when he was 4 years old and living in the United States while his father attended graduate school.

The eight-year war that followed Iraq’s 1980 attack on Iran brought fuel rationing to the country. Owners of thirsty American cars stored them and drove more economical vehicles or used public transportation, Mr. Salehkhou said. That hiatus helped to preserve some cars; others were scrapped.

While many of these cars are hardly fuel-sippers, Mr. Salehkhou noted that owners benefited from subsidies that have held prices for an initial monthly allotment to 10 cents a gallon for regular-grade gasoline and 15 cents for premium; additional quantities can be bought for 45 or 55 cents a gallon. The government is phasing out its subsidies, however, and prices will rise.

With chrome exhaust pipes down its sides, a large air scoop on its hood and a jacked-up stance, Mr. Salehkhou’s Camaro resembles the souped-up cars that prowled America in the 1970s. It is, in fact, muscle car royalty, a rare 1974 Baldwin-Motion Phase III Camaro from a long-defunct collaboration between a Long Island tuner shop, Motion Performance, and a nearby Chevrolet dealer, Baldwin Auto Company. This partnership produced some of the quickest Chevy muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s; the Phase III versions were the most powerful and most expensive.

Mr. Salehkhou authenticated his car with its builder, Joel Rosen, Motion’s founder, who confirmed that the Camaro was built in late 1973 and shipped to its original buyer in Tehran. By then, federal emissions regulations had ended sales of Motion’s superpowered Chevys in the United States.

“When I talked to Joel and told him I had found the car, his reaction was like an artist rediscovering one of his lost works,” Mr. Salehkhou said.

The blue Camaro, which had been the daily driver of a used-car salesman for several years, runs strongly but needs restoration. “My biggest challenge, right now, is finding an original set of Hooker big-block side-mount headers,” Mr. Salehkhou said, referring to the exhaust plumbing. “The originals have been repaired so many times that they’re all patchwork.”

Mr. Rosen referred Mr. Salehkhou to his longtime friend and business associate, Martyn L. Schorr, who was writing a book about Motion Performance. Mr. Schorr featured Mr. Salehkhou’s Camaro in his book, with a photo of the car in Tehran. A friendship developed, and Mr. Schorr helped Mr. Salehkhou establish the first satellite group of the Sarasota Café Racers, a diverse non-club club that started in 2003.

late 1970's bicycle drag racing in Los Angeles

at Fallbrook Avenue between Victory & Vanowen Boulevards, West Hills.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nissan GT-R Best Car Wallpaper

Nissan GT-R GT 500Nissan GT-R GT 500

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Panoz Esperante Car Wallpaper

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Panoz Esperante Car WallpaperPanoz Esperante Car Wallpaper

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Panoz Esperante BlackPanoz Esperante Black

Panoz Esperante GTR-1 WallpaperPanoz Esperante GTR-1 Wallpaper